When the Department of Defense lets you use their equipment in a movie, they get some script control. They used it, apparently, in this case, to bash FDR and laud Truman. A character in the movie claims that if only FDR had sent Stilwell into Vietnam, he would have saved us the later Vietnam war. Is he smoking crack rock? Does he believe Vietnam, today, would be the only colony left on Earth, a French one, at that, if FDR had gotten involved? The Vietnamese would have risen up, and we may have lost WWII if FDR had taken forces away from the main conflict to prop up France's colonial empire. Second they give Truman a slap on the back for the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Listen folks, the problem wasn't in the dropping, it was in the target selection. Someone suggested CIVILIAN targets, instead of military ones. The first ideal target would have been a small military base. It would have _dissapeared_ off the map, and the Japanese would have been much impressed. The second target could have been a bigger military base. We had sufficient air superiority, correct? The target selection was terrible, like in Dresden. If we only attack the military, the civilians know it isn't personal. When we destroy their towns and homes, what cause do they have to think that a cessation of military hostilities will result in a cessation of anti-(Germanic,what-have-you) activity.